I'd Posh!!!

At my Day Away training we talked about branding.  I have been MyJungleShops for years but that is because I used to sale a bit of everything. Until October 24th 2014 when I fell in love with Perfectly Posh.  At that time I stopped selling everything and focused on ONLY Perfectly Posh.  

What I didn't do is set up a new identity to show I was focused on just Perfectly Posh. Instead I just added my Perfectly Posh straight to all my  MyJungleShops accounts. I am seeing where this is confusing to people when they are looking for Perfectly Posh. So tonight I re brand myself!

I chose I'd Posh with Angela because my personal license plate is Id Posh which I thought was cute since I am in the state of Idaho and I'd love to Posh everyone I meet!
So figured Id Posh would be a great personal license plate. My website is http://IdahoPosh.com although I am more than willing to help anyone out with their Posh needs in the USA!!!

My team is all over from the East Coast to the West Coast and everywhere in between!!! Love the internet it makes the world so much closer.

I do have a VIP page for my specials that I am not able to offer out in the public if you are interested please message me and I would be more than happy to add you.

If you have any questions please feel free to message me, I am here to help!


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