Irrefutable Facts of Aging
1) The aging process accelerates with time. For example starting at the age of 18, the average person loses 1% of collagen & elastin each and every year. By the time we reach mid thirties, the loss rate of collagen & elastin doubles to 2%. By the time we reach our 50s, that rate has doubled again to around 4%. See diagram
Chart of collagen loss from 18 to 65.
Notice the steep drop from 18.
2) Much like the tip of an iceberg, our body and our skin ages every day but you may not notice these signs until they build up to a point when they suddenly become visible. It’s called the “tipping point”. What Samantha noticed that day was the result of a degradation process that started at the age of 18.
3) The truth is that vast majority of skin creams don't deliver what they promise and in fact, studies show that over time, they can actually age your skin faster. For example, products like Nivea contain nothing but petroleum by-products that make your skin feel temporarily hydrated because they coat the outside layer of your skin, but they do nothing to support the crucial collagen & elastin matrix in the dermis layer that supports healthy skin. Over time these synthetic ingredients degrade healthy cell activity essentially degrading your skin faster. The fact is most big brands are aware of this, but as long as consumers continue to purchase, there is no incentive to change the status quo.
The science of anti-aging has improved so much in the last 20 years but many consumers stick to what they know. For example, take a skin cream that you can buy from your local drug store. Have you read some of the ingredients? They are basically petroleum derivatives. It simply coats the outer layer of your skin and makes you feel hydrated but it does nothing to actually address the root causes of skin damage and skin aging. In the meantime free radicals are wreaking havoc on your collagen matrix. So it shouldn't be a surprise then that after 10 - 20 years of using that sort of skin cream your skin shows that damage.
Thankfully consumers are more knowledge now and the trend is changing for the better. The new and most effective approach is to protect the cells responsible for regeneration, to repair the damaged structures and to maintain the right levels of activity for the self-repairing enzymes.
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